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Attorney general, the chief law officer of a state or nation and the legal adviser to the chief executive. The office is common in almost every country in which the legal system of England has taken root. The office of attorney general dates from the European Middle Ages, but it did not assume its modern form before the 16th century. Initially, king’s attorneys were appointed only for particular business or for particular cases or courts, but by the 15th century an attorney general for the crown was a regular appointee. In time, he acquired the right to appoint deputies and became a figure of great influence as the medieval system broke down and new courts and political institutions evolved. Today the British attorney general and his assistant, the solicitor general, represent the crown in the courts and are legal advisers to the sovereign and the sovereign’s ministers. The attorney general is a member of the government but not of the cabinet. He is consulted on the drafting of all government bills, advises government departments on matters of law, and has a wide range of court-related duties. By virtue of his position as a law officer of the crown, the attorney general, who continues to practice as a barrister with the crown as his only client, is recognized by the bar as the leader of the legal profession. He has control of the office of public prosecutions, which gives advice on and often conducts criminal prosecutions. Certain offenses can be prosecuted only with the consent of either the attorney general or the director of public prosecutions. The attorney general also has the right to stay criminal proceedings in the superior courts. The office of attorney general of the United States was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 that divided the country into districts and set up courts in each one, along with attorneys with the responsibility for civil and criminal actions in their districts. The attorney general, a member of the cabinet, is appointed by the president and is head of the Department of Justice. As its head, the attorney general has complete control over the law business of the government, all its other law officers being subordinate to him, though other departments have lawyers on their staffs who are not under his specific direction. As head of the Department of Justice, the attorney general must necessarily devote much of his time to administration. He also acts as the legal adviser of the president and of the heads of other cabinet departments with respect to government business. Every U.S. state has an elected attorney general with duties similar to those of the federal attorney general. He is usually elected by the voters at the same time and for the same term as the governor. See also prosecutor.

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